The IB Diploma Programme (DP) provides a challenging, internationally focused, broad and balanced educational experience for students aged 16 to 19. Students are required to study six subjects and a curriculum core concurrently over two years. The programme is designed to equip students with the basic academic skills needed for university study, further education and their chosen profession. Additionally the programme supports the development of the values and life skills needed to live a fulfilled and purposeful life.
IB Diploma Programme (DP) pruža izazovno, međunarodno usmjereno, široko i uravnoteženo obrazovno iskustvo za učenike u dobi od 16 do 19 godina. Učenici su obvezni pohađati nastavu šest predmeta i temeljne sastavnice kurikula (TOK, CAS, EE) koji se poučavaju istovremeno i kontinuirano tijekom dvogodišnjeg nastavnog programa. Program je osmišljen kako bi učenicima pružio osnovne akademske vještine potrebne za sveučilišni studij, kontinuirano obrazovanje i buduće zanimanje. Osim toga, program podržava razvoj vrijednosti i životnih vještina potrebnih za ispunjen i svrhovit život.
(DP: From principles to practice, IB, 2015)
IB Mission statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
The International Baccalaurate nastoji razviti znatiželjne, obrazovane i brižne mlade ljude koji pomažu u stvaranju boljeg i mirnijeg svijeta pomoću međukulturnog razumijevanja i poštovanja. U tu svrhu IB surađuje sa školama, vladama i međunarodnim organizacijama kako bi stvorili izazovne, strogo vrednovane programe međunarodnog obrazovanja. Ovi programi potiču učenike diljem svijeta da postanu aktivni, suosjećajni i cjeloživotni učenici koji shvaćaju da i drugi ljudi uz sve svoje razlike također mogu biti u pravu.
IB PGV Mission statement
We aim to provide students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills according to contemporary educational practice. We want to develop curious, inquiring and knowledgeable young people who will understand, respect and care about others. Our goal is to produce future citizens of the world who will know how to accept challenges, how to act in global reality, be active lifelong learners and competitive collaborators within international society
Naš cilj je pružiti učenicima mogućnost razvoja znanja i vještina u skladu sa suvremenom praksom poučavanja. Želimo razviti znatiželjne, pronicljive i obrazovane mlade ljude koji će razumjeti, poštovati i brinuti se o drugima. Mi težimo stvoriti buduće građane svijeta koji će znati prihvatiti izazove, djelovati u globalnoj stvarnosti, biti aktivni cjeloživotni učenici i konkurentni sudionici u međunarodnom društvu.
The IB curriculum is displayed in the shape of a circle with six academic areas. At its heart are three core requirements – Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay and CAS.
All IB diploma candidates are required to take one subject from each of the six groups. At least 3 and not more than 4 are taken on the Higher level (HL), while the others are taken at the Standard level (SL). The students can choose not to take a subject from Group 6, but instead, they can take any subject from groups 2 – 5.
The interdisciplinary Theory of Knowledge explores the nature of knowledge across disciplines encouraging an appreciation of the other cultural perspectives.
Extended essay (4000 words) offers the opportunity to investigate a topic of special interest. CAS (creativity, action, service) encourages students to be involved in artistic pursuits, sports and community service.
Prva gimnazija Varaždin became the IB world school in April 2006 and started teaching in September 2006. In the Republic of Croatia, there is equality between IB results and state graduation results.