
Prva gimnazija Varaždin in the past

388 years have passed since the Society of Jesus founded Gymnasium in Varaždin at the time of the Counter-Reformation ideas. According to the data, Gymnasium started with its work in 1636 in the improper premises. As there was constant increase in the number of students, the Croatian Government decided to build the school building to the east of the Jesuit church in 1659. Gymnasium was in this building until 1870 when the new building was finished in Preradovića street, where it is today. Gymnasium became the centre of cultural and educational activities from its beginning and throughout the centuries it has influenced the development of culture and science of both the town of Varaždin and Croatia as well. It has always been the step further into Europe. Gymnasium Varaždin gave broad education to the series of generations, never betraying the humanistic ideas of its founders. Regardless of ideologies or existing political systems, this institution has always accomplished its basic, human tasks of carrying over the message of humanity and prosperity to the future generations.

Prva gimnazija Varaždin today

Prva gimnazija Varaždin today offers three national programmes (general, scientific and languages), bilingual programme in English/Croatian and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP). Also, students can take the German and Austrian language diploma exam. Students of the school have achieved the most outstanding results in the national and international sports and scientific competitions, including the Olympiad in mathematics, physics, informatics, chemistry and German. Besides activities of the regular programmes, there are extracurricular activities and groups which enable students to express their talents and creativity and to develop democratic skills and responsibility. Prva gimnazija Varaždin has been involved in a number of projects of the Council of Europe (e.g. Education for Democratic Citizenship) and European Commission (e.g. Comenius, Erasmus +, CARDS, INTERREG IIIA). Further, it is a member of the UNESCO’s Associated Schools, working on the projects of promotion and protection of the national and global, cultural and natural heritage, as well as on the projects of the intercultural education. It is also ECDL (European Computer Driving License) test center, one of twenty e-schools in Croatia and the seat of the ICT Center of Excellence, as well as Biology Center of Excellence..

Extracurricular activities:

Music Group

Theatron Drama Group


Literary Group

Debate Club

Sprachdiplom Workshop

Cultural Heritage Workshop

Protection of School Heritage Workshop

Protection of Natural Heritage Workshop

Ecology Group

Exploration Group

Photo Group

Film Group

Programming group

Sports Club

and many others…

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